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The HCV Partnership

Landlord Forms

The HCV program is a joint effort between landlords, tenants, and Northeast Oregon Housing Authority. We each have a set responsibilities which when combined create successful relationships and housing opportunities.

Landlord Responsibilities

  • Perform all management and rental functions for their unit, including screening and selection of tenants.

  • Maintain the unit in accordance with Housing Quality Standards (HQS).

  • Comply with equal opportunity/fair housing requirements.

  • Prepare information required under the Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract and furnish the information to NEOHA

  • Collect from the renter necessary monies as agreed upon in the lease.

  • Enforce tenant obligations agreed upon under the lease.

  • Pay for utilities and services agreed upon in the lease..

Tenant Responsibilities

  • Supply information determined necessary by NEOHA to administer the program, including completion of scheduled income reviews.

  • Pay utilities that are not supplied by the landlord.

  • Provide and maintain the appliances for which they are responsible.

  • Correct damages inflicted to unit.

  • May not commit serious or repeated violation(s) of the lease.

  • Provide NEOHA and the Landlord 30 day notice in advance, prior to moving or terminating the lease.

NEOHA Responsibilities

  • Make rent assistance payments to the landlord in a timely manner.

  • Regularly evaluate participant eligibility.

  • Inspect units at least once every two years.

  • Investigate potential fraud or program abuse by tenants or landlords.

  • Provide quality customer service to HCV landlords and tenants.

  • Notify landlord of any change in subsidy amount.

  • ​A potential tenant with a current voucher views your unit and wants to rent it.

  • You screen the tenants to  make sure they are suitable.

  • You agree to lease to the tenants and complete the Request for Tenancy Approval form (RFTA) provided to you by the tenant.

  • NEOHA checks to make sure the participant can afford the rent and that the rent is reasonable compared to other rents in the community.

  • NEOHA sends an inspector to inspect the unit to make sure it meets program standards. 

  • After the unit passes the inspection, NEOHA sends you a contract to sign.

  • You sign the contact with NEOHA and sign your lease with your tenant.

  • The tenant moves in.

  • The tenant pays their portion of the rent and NEOHA pays the remaining amount.

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541-963-5360   |

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Main Office: 541-963-5360

Maintenance: 541-963-5360 Ext 44
FAX: 541-963-3682
TDD: 541-963-2465

Physical Address:
2608 May Lane, La Grande OR 97850

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3357
La Grande, OR 97850

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